Yakuza - Chibi Majimaneollus on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/neollus/art/Yakuza-Chibi-Majima-336686326neollus

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Yakuza - Chibi Majima



Hi again, DA!
I'm not sure why I drew this, but I think it was because I wanted to turn this into a keychain or phone charm of some sort...
Maybe when I'm not lazy. :la:

Well, *Na7s asked me to post this up, so I did :p
Did you know that Majima is my favourite character in Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku? :dummy:
I cheated on his jacket, took some random snakeskin texture from Google ahaha, I don't really like drawing snakeskin ;_;
I don't actually draw much of chibi so it's kinda lame and boring :c
But... Hope you enjoy!

I just completed Yakuza Dead Souls asldjhasdljfjlg IT'S SO AMAZING I'M CRYINGGGG and yes, I am pretty slow but that's because my PS3 died for a whole year and I basically suffered from video game withdrawal :')
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lechiffre17's avatar
this is awesome you are great!