3R Stock - Weird InstrumentsNEOkeitaro on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/neokeitaro/art/3R-Stock-Weird-Instruments-89235242NEOkeitaro

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NEOkeitaro's avatar

3R Stock - Weird Instruments



You don't find inspiration ? You don't like the stocks deviantART has offered to you until now ? Then, you didn't try one of our 3R STOCK packs !
3R STOCK or the ultimate answer to your stocking needs ! 3R like :
-Rare quality !
-Rare subject !
-Rare upload !
You will be amazed by the quality, the originality and the way we produce our packs !
So, don't wait any more, and download now our stocks, from 3R Stocks ! ((c) NEOkeitaro)

Harmless if used properly, read the notice inside.

Curious about what's in the pack ? See the extended preview here !

This pack is a collection of five 10M pixel pictures of weird shaped objects I had on my hard drive. I found them in a museum in Paris called "Musées des arts et métiers", where I also took the steampunk pictures. Those can be helpful in many ways, to give more details in your deviations. Cropped, some of them can look like weird planets too !

Terms of use :
:bulletred:Only for dA use, prints on permission.
:bulletred:Credit absolutely required, to my homepage (neokeitaro.deviantart.com) or to this page.
:bulletred:Not to be redistributed anywhere, or sold. Also, don't claim it's your own.

All deviations which will have this stock credited in their artist description will be put here :nod:

More 3R Stock packs here : [link]

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Used here :
[link] => original use!
© 2008 - 2025 NEOkeitaro
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StarsColdNight's avatar
:wave: hi there, i was wandering what the rules for commercial use are? I want to advertise my work
Winter Solstice by StarsColdNight
 as a book cover and hopefully sell it