Hello, as you can see I am NeoHydra77.
I've been a huge fan of animation (cartoons and anime) for God knows how long and hope to someday be either an animation (for a cartoon or video game) or comic artist.
Some of the longest series that's been with me are Looney Tunes, Animaniacs, Zoids, Yu-Gi-Oh, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Digimon. Also yes I loved every last Sonic cartoon, especially Sonic Underground. As for Digimon, Adventure 01, Tamers, and Xros Wars (NOT including Young Hunters) was just glorious to glorious. For Yu-Gi-Oh I love both the original and GX (need to brush up on 5D's). My hope for the future is for cartoons to make a comeback as all of these reality shows are just ... bleh.
Currently am trying to memorize Nations of the World ... working on it.
Favourite Visual Artist
Hayao Miyazaki, Don Bluth, Kazuki Takahashi
Favourite Movies
Disney, Hayao Miyazaki, and Don Bluth films, Transformers, Dark Knight, Monty Python: Holy Grail, Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Beetlejuice, Adams Family
Favourite TV Shows
Sonic, Zoids, Digimon, Looney Tunes, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Tom & Jerry, Anamaniacs, Scooby Doo , Xiaolin Showdown,, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, G Gundam, Transformers, Monster Rancher, Beetlejuice, Adams Family, Mega Man, YuGiOh
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Rolling Stones, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Korn, Metallica, Rammstein, Wada Koji, Ali Project
Favourite Books
Harry Potter, Warriors, Dragon Rider, Watchers, Darkest Evening of the Year, Alice Adventures in Wonderland
Favourite Writers
JK Rowling, Lewis Carol
Favourite Games
Sly Cooper, Sonic the Hedgehog, Digimon, Pokemon, Okami, Mega Man: Battle Network 2, Zelda: Wind Waker and Spirit Tracks, Devil May Cry, YGO Beginning of Destiny, Mana Khemia
Favourite Gaming Platform
Platform, RPG, Action
Tools of the Trade
Sketchbook, lose paper, pencil, pens, MS Paint
Other Interests
Reading, video games, listening to music