Down the rabbit hole...

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NenaLuna's avatar
Hola bellos~!

It's still stupid cold here and I've managed to get myself into a personal mess! I haven't really been posting much anyways but I wanted to let ya'll know I'll be away from dA, FA, and weasyl for about a month or so? Or until I've sorted things out. I'll still be posting on my tumblr & twitter so you can keep tabs on me there. If you send me any notes, comments, watches, or faves I won't get em until I'm back. 

I guess this is my fight or flight kicking in and when there is no point in fighting you take the fastest way out. Fear not! I'm alright and so many ideas and feelings are rushing through me right now I'm sure it'll help me produce something good! If I've learned anything in the last few months from my loved ones, you gotta take care of yourself and do what makes you happy. So that's what I'm doing right now. If you really need me I'll try my best to be there for you but for right now, I'll just be off on my own. Thanks!

I'll also be off of my messengers for a while. Best way to get in contact will be emails or phone. Hopefully once winter has let up and spring is in full swing I'll be back with a butt ton of art and everything in order! Thanks for your understanding!

~adios muchachos! :3 ♥

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You will rise again.