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All Tomorrows Book Teaser 03



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© 2006 - 2024 nemo-ramjet
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TheVindicators's avatar
All Tomorrows is quite interesting. The various future posthuman species, the truly "alien looking" aliens in the form of the Qu and the Amphicephali, and the way humanity struggled in the galaxy throughout the ages, accomplishing great things in their reign. Ironically though, the one thing that really caught my highest interest is the Panderavis, the derived therizinosaur that served as a clue to the Star People, that they are not alone in the universe. I find it rather awesome that a single dinosaur, let alone Earth species, was able to adapt and survive in an otherwise completely alien environment, surrounded by completely alien fauna. I almost wanna see an entire spin off dedicated to this "Space Dino" and its life in that alien planet. I even thought of an interesting title for said spin off, "Panderavis: The Lone Dinosaur in a Alien World".