neme's avatar


David Koschnick
52 Watchers64 Deviations
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (9)
My Bio
Current Residence: West-Berlin (Germany)
Favourite style of art: Allstarr & en-tyrael
Operating System: Windows XP/Suse 9
MP3 player of choice: Winamp 2.76
Shell of choice: suse 9
Favourite cartoon character: Donald Duck
Personal Quote: come to a place where the power of design knows no limits and dreams are the foundation of reality!

Favourite Movies
Romeo must die
Favourite Games
Life...its the best game you can play...finest grafics...but you cant load it again :-)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Bryce 6, 3dsMax, Cinema4D, Lightwave, Photoshop CS3 and many more...
Other Interests
Abstract Works, Gfx, Coding

Active again!

0 min read
Hey to all my dA-Friends and all other viewers, after around 1year inactivity i just started to make Art again. In next few Weeks and Month i will be active again, but this time with much new stuff and ideas so watch out! Im looking everytime for new Projects and New Ideas/Techniques so feel free to talk with me. Update: Looking for some Collab! Note me if your intrested! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friends of me: ~allstarr ( the guy cause that i began to do Grafics and one of the best artists i know! :iconen-tyrael: one of the best graficers i know! hes doing awe
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Okay I got the Admin of ~Innerseption ( ! :-) so boys im active again, i have now more time to make my stuff, so you get each week new pics and i will also make some TUTORIALS if you want some!!! and i also want my "old" friends that they come back to me and we can make together some pics and exchange our skills :-) and there also some things i want to learn: first) To make nice BRYCE 3d/Abstract pictures! second) To get some new brushing/ps techniques! so if there is anybody outthere who can teach me i would be happy if you contact me! and the last but not least: my Private VoiceServer(Ventrilo 2.1.1) on which GRAFICERS can meet an
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Hej dude right now you are watching my dA-Page and reading my Journal cool right? :D okay so i have holidays and in this i want to learn more and more and get better in my staff. so if there is someone outthere which can teach me some 2d/layout work or some BRYCE/3dsmax/ rendering skillz please contact me. well what can i give you for that? one kiss? :D no i think i can also teach you little bit if you want. since a few weeks im working very hard with ~bhert ( on our skillz, we both getting better and better everytime we do something together. cause we both have some things in which we are good and some things in which we are sucky :)
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Profile Comments 206

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Your gallery is awesome!
Thanks buddy :-)
Hey i am touching base with all of my watchers. How is it going?
hehehe ... hey sweet and awesum little beeing. I'm sure you know me well, hon. I didn't thought you're an deviant. *smiles* but noooow I foundcha ! hihi *catches you and put you in the 'fav' list*
hey i thouight this iQ quiz was cool. i just took mine!! CLICK HERE
thank you so much for watching me back! :strip:

it's big honor for me!!

really thank you...:hug:
