Rebirthnellmckellar on DeviantArt

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nellmckellar's avatar




This was done for Epilogue's "Season of Renewal" competetion, with artists creating what comes to mind when thinking about the concept of renewal. I chose to do something symbolic- not unlike the celtic myth of the selkies, or a snake shedding its skin. I think the theme is pretty straigt-forward, so I won't elaborate.
I haven't got a snowflake's chance in hell of winning, but I really don't care anymore. This piece has deep personal significance to me, and I have impressed my harshest critic (myself), so I am content.
I was thinking I might add some more detail, then again, I could get over-zealous and wreck the piece completely...

This piece is dedicated to anyone who is starting a new phase in their life.

Oh yeah, and I couldn't fit the whole piece onto the scanner, so check any updates on this to see the whole thing.
Image size
600x846px 358.38 KB
© 2004 - 2025 nellmckellar
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carolinejamhour's avatar
The effect of the shedded skin is superb. Looks very realistic.