Welcome to my portfolio page!
I am a cosplayer and cosplay master from Russia.
Here I sometimes post some of my work. if you are interested in more - I invite you to my creative pages in social networks facebook and instagram!
And also I decided to make a separate page for our professional cosplay props, do not forget to look at Crafterfold
Welcome to my DA! Im glad to see you!
And thank you very much for the LAMA!
Hi!! I'd like for you to join me on my main DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/scottsnider1981 I'll tone down on the God stuff, I was just going through a dark time!! I've done some more art recently, why not have a look?? Love to hear from ya!!
Thanks for the Llama!! I'll share this with you https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02JiK2qrUByaMFPnwibecAQrCneah98PkspxMPKuqzwZAeZpLvpjrRcmoW38N2ni11l&id=100082952882334
You're most likely one of the most entertaining cosplayer I've ever seen here!! I see so much Sailor Moon and Final Fantasy cosplays, it gets old fast!! I love the Mr. Burns!! It's gotta be the best cosplay I've ever seen, and I mean it too!!
Thank you for your words of support! Sometimes it seems that I am doing something not very interesting, but thanks to you, I continue to do what I like, and not what is very popular and everyone else is doing! Thanks
you're welcome!! Love the Mr. Burns!!