Zelda Poker Card SetNelde on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nelde/art/Zelda-Poker-Card-Set-280157817Nelde

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Nelde's avatar

Zelda Poker Card Set



My set of Zelda poker cards.

So, well, fell free to go ahead and love it, fave it, feature it on your blog (with a link back), show it to your friends (while hinting what an awesome birthday present this would be ;) ), suggest it as a Daily Deviation, write a comment, write a critique or what ever you'd like. :D

UPDATE: You can buy them now on fangamer.
Click on a Jack to see the rest of the suits:

Other cards:

Link to all the cards.
Image size
1024x1583px 1023.6 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Nelde
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silicon-jayce's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

There are many out there, but these are one of my favourite Zelda decks. I really think you did a great job choosing which characters to match with which suit, and I also like how the facecard style is similar to a typical deck of cards. All of them are very interesting to look at, there is great colour balance, and the design on the back is exquisite. One thing I would like to suggest is perhaps adding more detail on the suits themselves, especially the suits beside the characters, there is so much great detail, and suddenly there's a large blob of flat colour. The triforce is better because there is detail in its shape. Of course, too much detail would ruin it too, to make it not over detailed, I think that white lines are your best bet. An example would be tracing out the edges of the rupee. Simple, but I believe it may make the cards pop that much more. And this is more of a personal taste, but I think that it would add to the set if your little and big joker had different characters. I would tell you which set of suits is my favourite, but to be honest, all of them have caught my attention equally. Great job!