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Nelde's avatar

Sexual Attraction



I know have made a second version, which you can view here:

I tried to include the various comments and suggestions for improvement.

What I tried to do here is to show the requited and unrequited sexual attractions between the different sexes and the different sexual orientations.
The graphic is purely based on my knowledge and logic.

The reason why there is no intersex for the heterosexual part is that it is logically impossible to be intersex and or heterosexual because there is no such thing as an opposite to intersex. It would be theoretically possible to be intersex and homosexual, meaning that someone is only attracted to other intersex people, but I found that highly hypothetical. If you think otherwise, let me know.

And if you think that I made a mistake or forgot to add something, also let me know.
I'd like to hear what you think about it.


-I listed only the sexes, not the genders
-Transsexuals are listed as the sex they want to have

A related deviation:
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2265x1400px 433.51 KB
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StraymuttsElisexJr's avatar
can you explain Asexual a little better?