Neighthirst on DeviantArt

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Mining and Storage Building Concept



So I haven't uploaded much of my art to deviantART for most of this year, mainly because I've been working on more 3D stuff, for both my Game Development course and more recently PonyLumen's 3D Pony Maker.

I know its not a great excuse because I still have been doing a bunch of art stuff and there's no reason why I can't upload some of my course work, I guess it's just not something I think of as much and I tend to think less of my work when compared to some of the amazing artists in my class. 

Anyway I figured I'd share the concept for my building asset for a group assignement I'm working on. To give you a bit of background detail we are creating a city scene in the sky that is powered by a storm that's constantly going on around it, and I was assigned the storage or mining building so I felt really inspired by Bespin in terms of purpose and suggested that it be a gas mining city. So yeah that's basically it.

Created in Photoshop
Image size
2409x2751px 1.28 MB
© 2014 - 2024 Neighthirst
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