Massive MLP: FiM Color Guide and Swatches V3.5Neighthirst on DeviantArt

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Neighthirst's avatar

Massive MLP: FiM Color Guide and Swatches V3.5



You can use this, but only as a reference/resource for your own coloring. Credit is not necessary but is appreciated as is sending me a link to what you used it for.

Twilight's Colours may need to be fixed. I will look into that and fix it by the next version.

This is an ongoing work, I will continue to add characters and improve the accuracy of the color guide, so keep checking back for updates. (I will just update this deviation, rather than submitting a new one)

I really appreciate any suggestions or comments you guys have, whether its a suggestion for a character, any colors that could be more accurate, inconsistency or even just typos. If you have any questions about this guide just ask :)

.zip Download Contains:

The swatch files are a separate download so the download on this page only includes:
-.jpg file of the guide

Swatch/Pallette Downloads (via

-.ACO Download (for Photoshop)
-.GPL Download (for GIMP and Ponyscape)

(none of these include instructions for installing anymore, let me know if this is a problem.)
-v3.1 Changelog Not Done
-v3.5 Changelog Coming Soon.

Other Resources

If you want really accurate guides for some of these characters I suggest you check out kefkafloyd's Color guides or MLP-vectorclub's Color Guide

The character images were not done by me, they also aren't what I used to get the colors (I used official artwork) so I wouldn't recommend using the colors from them even if you do change it to full transparency in the Photoshop file. I found most of these vectors at MLP-VectorClub and they are linked to in the list of included characters.

Currently includes 65 Swatches

Logo made using… by Ov3rHell3XoduZ
Ahuizotl by :devEmberFireman:

Apple Family

Big Macintosh by DDHyuugaman
Granny Smith by Emkay-MLP
:new: Braeburn by Kamyk962

Background Characters

Bon Bon by Fehlung
Derpy Hooves by Kooner-cz
Doctor Whooves by ChainChomp2
Lyra Heartstrings by Pirill-Poveniy
Minuette by Parclytaxel
Octavia by Quanno3
Vinyl Scratch by uxyd

Cutie Mark Crusaders

Apple Bloom by Firestorm-CAN
Babs Seed by robzombiefan2121
Scootaloo by OTfor2
Sweetie Belle by CherryGrove


Luna's Guards by Sulyo
Royal Pegasus Guards by ChainChomp2
Royal Unicorn Guards by ChainChomp2
Flash Sentry by masemj


Diamond Tiara by Liggliluff
Pound Cake by Feitaru
Pumpkin Cake by Clonehunter
Silver Spoon by piranhaplant1
Snails by Paradigm-Zero
Snips by Kyute-Kitsune

Mane Six

Applejack by KYSSS
Fluttershy by Rubez2525
Pinkie Pie by masemj
[b]Updated[/b]Twilight Sparkle by Powerpuncher
Rainbow Dash by Quanno3
Rarity by Quanno3

Minor Characters

Mr. Cake by Bronyboy
Cherilee by Kraysee
Hoity Toity by Paradigm-Zero
Mrs Cake by icantunloveyou
Photo Finish by shelltoon
Filthy Rich by AxemGR
Zecora by Stabzor
© 2013 - 2025 Neighthirst
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rautamiekka's avatar
The link to an external color guide is dead, it instantly gives SERVER NOT FOUND.