f#$k it! it's death vigil for EVERYONE!

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nebezial's avatar
So i've been sitting here thinking...

we live in the age of kickstarter and patreon....

people are supporting all sorts of projects...


i don't have the patience not the focus to handle all that... but it did get me thinking...

if teasers for projects can get people to fund it... what aout the full thing?

i don't do crowdfunding. i make comics.
i publish comics. if people love and buy my comics... i get to make more comics.

so with that in mind. i will post the entirety of death vigil here. 

from there on it's in the hands of the readers. if you want to support the book being made, i will post the comixology links, and image digital links, as well as trade preorder links.

so if you feel this is your kind of comic, and it's something you want to see made in it'y entirety..and can afford to support it by buying it...thank you.

if not, i still hope you like it. so with no further a do... this week i will be uploading issues.

starting today with issue 3. enjoy :)

death vigil on comixology

death vigil on image comics digital

death vigil amazon

also available for preorder on other versions of amazon and in online comic book stores 

death vigil issues

© 2015 - 2024 nebezial
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Tindome-Art's avatar
FINALLY found the trade paperback (I'm not in the US, I can't and won't do their weird comic-pre-buy-pull-list-what???!-thing) in a store, because oh did I love reading it online, yes I did, but I love having it in my shelf even more, and it's not been on those shelves since before I had the money for it.

If ever you resume it I will buy the hell out of it. I couldn't, last time, but my life's righted itself now.

And you did good, VERY good, with it.