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221 Deviations


1 min read
RU Всем привет!

Да, сегодня будем по русски :D Почему? Все просто, я завел блог на Tumblr, где начал писать о иконках, дизайнерах иконок, о том как придымывать и как рисовать иконки. Называется он "Немного об иконках". Этот блог я веду на русском языке, моего английского не достаточно чтобы адекватно перевести все что я рассказал и собираюсь рассказать. Надеюсь мои англоговорящие друзья не сильно растроятся из-за этого.

Так вот, всем добропожаловать с мой блог. Буду рад пообщаться, ответить на вопросы, если они есть ну и все такое :D

P.S. Если вдруг, кому нибудь, взбредет шальная мысль предложить свои услуги по переводу моих излияний на английский, буду только рад и премного благодарен.

ENG Hi there!

Please guys don't hate me that I've talking on Russian. It's just because I'm talking about Russian things. Blah-blah-blah, and don't mind about it :D luv ya all!
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I've made bunch of videos for all who want to know how is Icons are made!
There is three part creation Car icon and one video about creation Trash Can.
These icons I've made for futured Customizing Set about NY City Subway.

Hope you find these videos are interesting! :D
And sure stay tuned for moar awesomeness videos!
Luv ya all! Cheers!
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Ripp Off?

1 min read
Hi Guys!
I loled ones time again :D
Just see it -…

fruit loop by parallelstar

I reported DAdmins about it, but they didn't delete this Deviation.
So can you help me with it? Or I'm not right? I dunno :o
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Glad to represent a next icon set, that was made by me for Iconblock.Ltd and named "Dunkin' Donuts"! Hope ya like it fellas :D

© 2010. DD IP Holder LLC.

The only thing we love more than pushing pixel’s is drinking coffee, so to celebrate the 60th birthday of our favorite coffee retailer we created this Dunkin’ Donuts icon set. Six highly detailed icons freshly brewed for your enjoyment.

Freeware Release. Icon sizes: 512x512 256x256 128x128 48x48 32x32 16x16

© The IconBlock Ltd.

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Hehe guyz & girlz, welcome on a next "RippOff It!" show!

Here we has a nice pal named (rampa-mekkvak) who made a one little mistake. when he takes my iPad Wooden Bckgrnd deviation, without my permission, and use it for to made his own deviation. As alway ima little ANGRY about it, and already sent to DAdmins about it.

Guys! Can you explain to me a one question — Why are they do this always?

UPD: DAdmins solve this situation "This is an automated message concerning a deviation which you previously reported, entitled iOS4 Bookshelf collection. A member of staff has reviewed your report and the deviation has been removed." Thanks to DAdmins as always!
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Untitled by ncrow, journal

Speed Video of Icon Creation by ncrow, journal

Ripp Off? by ncrow, journal

Dunkin' Donuts Icon Set release! by ncrow, journal

Ripp Off v.2 (Updated) by ncrow, journal