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NCMares's avatar

Sith Twilight



With ten minutes until midnight! Happy May the Fourth, everyone :)
There ain't nearly enough MLP star wars stuff out there, so here's a contribution! I actually forgot the date this morning, so when I realized what day it was I knew I had to whip up something. :3 Also, Sith are way cooler looking than Jedi. Just saying.

EDIT: Number 38 in the drawfriend, baby!… :D And Sethisto's new wallpaper, apparently! Thanks a lot, guys :)
Header for the Star Wars EQD post that's only a day late. (Of which I am disappoint)… Then again, I forgot too :3

Background for a wonderful instrumental piece:…

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© 2014 - 2024 NCMares
julian0123's avatar
Badass picture.
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