Sith CadenceNCMares on DeviantArt

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Sith Cadence



"My Love May Give You Strength, but My Hate Gives Me Power."

Environment practice! :D Three down, one to go. After the dark princess arrives comm work shall commence. :)
I apologize for my lack of skillz as far as lighting is concerned, so here is the posing sketch if you're confused as to how she was intended to appear, minus the raised hoof because that ended up looking funny.… My bad. :[

P.S. Lightning is fun to draw, but I don't know how to draw rain. mad props to :iconobscurelilium: for their rain brushes!

EDIT: Serious thankage to my homees at EQD for number 16 in the Drawfriend!…

Inspired a friend-off fanfic! :D Check it out:…

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© 2014 - 2025 NCMares
"Friendship is a lie. There is only Myself.

 Through Myself, I gain Individuality.

 Through Individuality, I gain Strength.

 Through Strength, I gain Magic.

 Through Magic, I gain Power.

 Through Power, I gain Victory.

 Through Victory, My chains are broken.

 There is no Harmony, there is only the Force.

 The Force shall set me free."

                 - Equestrian Code of the Sith
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