No, No - Don't Get Up...NCMares on DeviantArt

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NCMares's avatar

No, No - Don't Get Up...



...I'll get another pot.


Time to get seriously hype for the finals!
Featuring Celestia as she appears in Lazy Sunday. Her sweater is supposed to say Queen-Bitch, but the link's right there if you really want it. ;)
Twilight's coming at you from Good morning, Twilight~. Well done, you guys! :D

EDIT: Hurr-durr - the mug's supposed to be in front of the horn! Freakin' finals, man...

EDIT 2: A lot of folks were confused about Twi's horn, so there it is. Tah dah! :dummy:

Number 7 in the drawfriend!… Thanks to the pals at EQD and all of you for viewing. :)
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1920x1080px 666.77 KB
© 2014 - 2025 NCMares
magolor89's avatar
F*ck we need more coffe
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