Big Apple HearthswarmingNCMares on DeviantArt

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Big Apple Hearthswarming


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:iconapplejackplz:Now, I'm a mite too big to be makin' my way down chimneys but I reckon you'll fit just fine, Rain-deer!
:icondashisannoyedplz:Then I might as well have been the Santa! How does him picking you to wear the coat make any sense?
:iconapplejackplz:We can ask later - we got to get moving! Here, I'll at least carry the bag for ya!

Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus...

Santa Hooves(?) has specially selected Applejack and Rainbow Dash to save Christmas Hearthswarming! :dummy: Maybe he came down with a cold or something, I dunno. :ohnoes:

It was a lot of fun chalking this up. ^^ Merry Christmas, guys. :) Let's remember those days gone by and then kick some new year butt!
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