So…today is AAD aka the day I add another ring to my dino hide. I know there aren’t many who read this entry but here’s some stuff I thought I’d post:
My health…sucks. Tethered to a catheter, long list of health symptoms I have to monitor daily and the extra mural nurses that visit me weekly keep nudging me about the “virtues” of living in long term care. For now, big no to the latter from me…
As for DA, this site is not what it used to be. Too corporate and very unfriendly to creations geared to adult audiences. Just my opin there……
Creating, for me, involves scripting/dialoguing with a great group of 3D artists for members at the MC Comix site. Best of all, none of it is AI generated…
About all for now….hopefully, no new visits to the hospital are upcoming but if it does, I’ll deal with it as best I can. Been writing for 25+ years now…not stopping any time soon.
Northern Chill