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Assalaamu alaikum [Peace be to you]
So I planned to start a 5-panel manga called "Iman & Huda". (I know Yonkoma is the name for 4-panel manga. but I don't know if there is any name for the 5-panel manga)
Iman and Huda are two little muslim girls. in this manga, I will try, in sha'Allah [God willing] to show their daily life, their curiosity about things around them and how they learn and grow up.
if you wonder "since they're muslims, why don't they wear the veil?".
my answer is "they still didn't hit puberty. Hijab is not an obligation yet"
a few people (including my dear mother) brought to my attention that Iman's skirt is a little too short. so I made it a little longer. I think it looks much better like this.
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I noticed that most atheists (I said MOST and not ALL) coming to my page are not polite, so I want to make things clear from the start:
contrary to my other religious artworks, in this manga, I don't allow any disagreement from those [atheists]. if you don't like it, don't read it. if you have a NICE thing to say, you are welcome. if not, just keep your [insert bad word here] opinion to yourself and LEAVE in peace.
anyone who writes hostile comments HERE will be blocked without warning and their nonsense will be flagged as spam. anyone who posts links to anti-Islamic websites will be blocked. anyone who chooses my profile page to post their nonsense will be blocked as well.
it's not my problem if not believing in God makes you impolite. but in my pages, I make the law.
I made one forum thread (you can find it in my profile page) for arguments. if you wanna argue, do it there (see? I am a nice guy).
So I planned to start a 5-panel manga called "Iman & Huda". (I know Yonkoma is the name for 4-panel manga. but I don't know if there is any name for the 5-panel manga)
Iman and Huda are two little muslim girls. in this manga, I will try, in sha'Allah [God willing] to show their daily life, their curiosity about things around them and how they learn and grow up.
if you wonder "since they're muslims, why don't they wear the veil?".
my answer is "they still didn't hit puberty. Hijab is not an obligation yet"
a few people (including my dear mother) brought to my attention that Iman's skirt is a little too short. so I made it a little longer. I think it looks much better like this.
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I noticed that most atheists (I said MOST and not ALL) coming to my page are not polite, so I want to make things clear from the start:
contrary to my other religious artworks, in this manga, I don't allow any disagreement from those [atheists]. if you don't like it, don't read it. if you have a NICE thing to say, you are welcome. if not, just keep your [insert bad word here] opinion to yourself and LEAVE in peace.
anyone who writes hostile comments HERE will be blocked without warning and their nonsense will be flagged as spam. anyone who posts links to anti-Islamic websites will be blocked. anyone who chooses my profile page to post their nonsense will be blocked as well.
it's not my problem if not believing in God makes you impolite. but in my pages, I make the law.
I made one forum thread (you can find it in my profile page) for arguments. if you wanna argue, do it there (see? I am a nice guy).
Image size
685x1000px 188.83 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Nayzak
so cute
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