Because he is a muslim...Nayzak on DeviantArt

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August 4, 2010
Because he is a muslim... by ~Nayzak Stop, Think, "Act". A deviation you should stop to see. Think about, Reflect on the matter at hand. What's the deviation trying to say. Finally, Act, but Don't go spamming hate speeches on any of the religions mentioned. I don't think this is meant as a deviation to provoke or 'promote' Islam, Just to let you reflect, see how Islamic people think, feel,... (of course this isn't true for ALL people, just like every religion you have fanatics and people that generally just believe and want to be left alone in their believes). Although I must say I don't agree with every slide used either. There are some slides that bother me personally too, but don't generalize on them, look at the bigger picture and what's it trying to say. "feel free to let me know your opinion and if you have some good suggestions..." But try to do this in an orderly fashion! IF you have a problem with this Deviation for any reason please contact ME! :devnikivandermosten: don't start dArama on the deviation or deviant! :peace:
Featured by NikiVandermosten
Nayzak's avatar

Because he is a muslim...



Peace be to you my friends,

Do you wonder why so many muslims are angry and pissed off these days?
watch this and you will understand much...

I hope you like it. if anyone wants to spread it, feel free to do so for the purpose to explain and let people understand us...

feel free to let me know your opinion and if you have some good suggestions... BUT PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS RESPECTFUL.
I don't like to hide comments and block deviants. but I'll do it if you don't choose the right way to express your disagreement.

OTHER LANGUAGES: This slideshow is also available in these languages
:bulletblue: french - français : [link]
:bulletblue: Chinese : [link] (here is the chinese version)
:bulletblue: Turkish : [link]

If you'd like to translate this slideshow into your language, contact me via note.

Peace be to you

Image size
550x400px 1.08 MB
© 2010 - 2025 Nayzak
Viticx's avatar
A lot of people misunderstand Muslims and i hate that. I hate the media because it always leads people in the wrong way 
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