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Assalaamu alaikum [peace be to you],
Muslims all over the world use the Islamic form of greeting, "Assalaamu alaikum", which means "peace be to you". The very wording helps generate a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. It is also common in its shorter and longer forms* to all Muslim communities wherever they happen to be. Thus, when two Muslims meet who are total strangers to each other, the moment they use this greeting, they immediately feel that they have common grounds, even when they do not speak each other's languages.
The common figure between Christianity and Islam is the prophet Jesus -peace be upon him- (Eesa in Arabic), and since there are many Christians visiting my page, I'd like to take Jesus -peace be upon him- as an example. since both Muslims and Christians say they love him and follow his teachings.
How did Jesus greet people?
the prophet Jesus -peace be upon him- often extended the greeting: "Peace be upon you". Jews also use this same greeting but they say it in Hebrew; “Sholom Aleichem”. Notice the similarities in both Arabic and Hebrew. Also the common respected response to this greeting in both faiths is: “and on you be peace": in Arabic "wa Alaikum Assalaam", and in Hebrew “Aleichem Sholom”.
Let's see some Biblical verses where Jesus -peace be upon him- used this greeting:
"And as they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you."
New Testament (Luke 24:36)
"And into whatsoever house ye enter, first say, Peace be to this house."
New Testament (Luke 10:5)
"On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!"
New Testament (John 20:19)
"Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."
New Testament (John 20:21)
"A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!"
New Testament (John 20:26)
Jesus -peace be upon him- taught his disciples to offer the greeting of “Peace”.
Who continues this practice to this day?
Jesus -peace be upon him- was a great human and a great teacher. if you love him, you should learn from his teachings and apply them in your life.
I, as a Muslim, say that I love Jesus -peace be upon him- (and all prophets of the God). and I proudly follow his teachings and say "peace be to you" when I greet.
Among the Other greetings found in the Bible:
"God be gracious to you" (Genesis 43:29) and "The Lord be with you" (Ruth 2:4)
*The different forms of the Greeting:
Assalaamu alaikum = peace be to you
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi = peace and God's mercy be to you
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh = peace and God's mercy and his blessings be to you
More on "Assalaamu alaikum":

I hope this was beneficial
I do not believe The Bible to be the literal word of The God. I simply quoted what is supposed to be the saying of Jesus -peace be upon him- since some of the readers of my articles are Christians and follow the Bible. this might be helpful for them. and also helpful for Muslims who don't know much about the Bible.
please do let me know if I made any mistakes in quoting
Wassalaamu alaikum
Muslims all over the world use the Islamic form of greeting, "Assalaamu alaikum", which means "peace be to you". The very wording helps generate a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. It is also common in its shorter and longer forms* to all Muslim communities wherever they happen to be. Thus, when two Muslims meet who are total strangers to each other, the moment they use this greeting, they immediately feel that they have common grounds, even when they do not speak each other's languages.
The common figure between Christianity and Islam is the prophet Jesus -peace be upon him- (Eesa in Arabic), and since there are many Christians visiting my page, I'd like to take Jesus -peace be upon him- as an example. since both Muslims and Christians say they love him and follow his teachings.
How did Jesus greet people?
the prophet Jesus -peace be upon him- often extended the greeting: "Peace be upon you". Jews also use this same greeting but they say it in Hebrew; “Sholom Aleichem”. Notice the similarities in both Arabic and Hebrew. Also the common respected response to this greeting in both faiths is: “and on you be peace": in Arabic "wa Alaikum Assalaam", and in Hebrew “Aleichem Sholom”.
Let's see some Biblical verses where Jesus -peace be upon him- used this greeting:

New Testament (Luke 24:36)

New Testament (Luke 10:5)

New Testament (John 20:19)

New Testament (John 20:21)

New Testament (John 20:26)
Jesus -peace be upon him- taught his disciples to offer the greeting of “Peace”.
Who continues this practice to this day?
Jesus -peace be upon him- was a great human and a great teacher. if you love him, you should learn from his teachings and apply them in your life.
I, as a Muslim, say that I love Jesus -peace be upon him- (and all prophets of the God). and I proudly follow his teachings and say "peace be to you" when I greet.
Among the Other greetings found in the Bible:
"God be gracious to you" (Genesis 43:29) and "The Lord be with you" (Ruth 2:4)
*The different forms of the Greeting:

More on "Assalaamu alaikum":

I hope this was beneficial
I do not believe The Bible to be the literal word of The God. I simply quoted what is supposed to be the saying of Jesus -peace be upon him- since some of the readers of my articles are Christians and follow the Bible. this might be helpful for them. and also helpful for Muslims who don't know much about the Bible.
please do let me know if I made any mistakes in quoting
Wassalaamu alaikum
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