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Pink Panties



How I did it.

Make sure to hit the download image to get the full size 2000X1300

1) Duplicate the picture to have a backup.
2) Then Make another duplicate and cut / Erase all of the skin.
3) With only the clothes, shoes, Tattoo and background left I used a tonal contrast filter and then a glamor glow filter to give it that look, So this is your top layer.
4) Then I went to the picture underneath and used a High contrast filter.
5) Same Picture as #4 I used the magic wand on 3 tolerance and selected the crease in her leg, Right click select inverse, I did this because once you do the blur effect it looks funny and you can really see it on a crease. and I used a Gaussian blur at 6.0, Then hit Image>Adjustment>Curve and darkened the skin a little bit.
6) I hope this helps some and good luck
Image size
2000x1303px 375.58 KB
Shutter Speed
10/1250 second
Focal Length
52 mm
anonymous's avatar
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AfterD34TH's avatar
i dont get it what did you do ?^^