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Who is Aeris? Just try to google her - she is a one of most famous japanese game character. Lots of people do not ever played Final Fantasy series, but most of them know her. You will have a chance to know more, when the FF7 remake hits the shops all around the Planet. So... Here she is - Aeris, the flower girl, the only bright spot in Midgar, city of unsaturated colours and dim lights that leave no shadows.
The base was my first serious experience with airbrush. The posters are printed (i can draw this, but... i think, you get the point ) The street lamp and window lights were slightly photoshopped on some pics. Originally, they are heavily shadowed and can`t be so bright.
Now, about the figure. Aeris is 65mm tall, but her features are more like that of 54mm, at least, i wanted somewhat realistic look. This is the first female face, ever sculpted by me, and i like how it comes. Lots of this made of Tamiya quick type putty.
You can see lot of stuff, regarding this project, on my Patreon.
CMON voting links
Due to new CMON politics i have to upload 3 sets of pics (actually, there are only 4 pics in total). I`m really missing those never-ending scrolling collages. You can vote wherever you want - closeup - overall - Aeris
P&P voting links… - overall… - Aeris