navarr0jones's avatar


people...into statuary
106 Watchers38 Deviations
Artist // Hobbyist // Other
  • United States
  • Deviant for 16 years
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (7)
My Bio
Current Residence: southeast USA

Favourite style of art: art nouveau

Operating System: chrome

MP3 player of choice: ipod

Wallpaper of choice: varies

Skin of choice: metallic

Personal Quote: "move to a direction, never stand still for long unless you are a statue"

Favourite Visual Artist
Alphonse Mucha
Favourite Movies
a lot of them
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
a lot of them
Favourite Writers
a lot of them
Favourite Games
half-life series
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
computer, brain
Other Interests

Profile Comments 14

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Hey there, are you still doing manips? You work is excellent.
Medusa Project Forum is back, finally in a .com domain:


Let's hope it doesn't go down anytime soon...
Thanks for the Fave!
you are welcome.. I REALLY like seeing good drawing. I know that statement seems awkward.. but I have no other way to express it. I really admire those that can draw the human form and do it well.

this may be forward, but would you consider letting me manip a sketch sometime?
Thank you very much. Very kind of you.

How would the manip work? Would you work off something like one of the pieces I have here on dA, or something less finished?

Very cool gallery, by the way!
i'd like to work off of something simple and finished, if you don't mind..I will not post it unless I get permission to do so. I'd say that it would be an exercise to get my manip skills back into shape.

thank-you so much for the favourite!
I really appreciate that:)