:piratejig:Nautical-Nieky on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nautical-nieky/art/piratejig-79961455Nautical-Nieky

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

March 16, 2008
You can see why Roger is Jolly with this delightful :piratejig: by ~Nikumaru. The animation in the turns of the dance is particularly fine, and you've gotta love the barrels of rum. Yo ho ho!
Featured by livius
Suggested by BoffinBrain
Nautical-Nieky's avatar




The other, non-birthday mix, version of this.
With the original idea of Hernando playing the guitar, added (well, originally originally it was to be a harmonica, but I could not think how to draw that, plus Hernando wouldn't bring an orchestra of instruments aboard, even if he had them... I hope ^^; ) And the kegs of rum idea soon followed :aww: Especially since it is for Savvy, and she started the trend ;p
My choreography isn't well... neither in real live nor to make my emoticons dance ;) So excuse me please, if the motion looks a wee odd :hmm:
Based in part on the dance moves from :dance: & :boogie: though the worst was the circling around one another... it's hell to animate, when the back of a smiley isn't blank :dohtwo:

·.·´¯:wow:¯`·.,.·---Daily Deviation!?---·.,.·´¯:wow:¯`·.·

To be potentially only used by dA and personal use, please people wants it!

Until then available for plzicon at ~piratejigplz:iconpiratejigplz:

Many thanks to =BoffinbraiN for suggesting the DD
Many thanks, too, to ^livius for featuring it as DD
Even more thanks to *Captain-Savvy for suggesting/requestion this for her b/d
Image size
50x50px 26.59 KB
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Black-Wren's avatar
Pirate do-si-do!  Nice job!