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NauskiIls's avatar

Good Morning Derpy!



For some reasons, the journey of a brony artist has to contain a drawing of a pony in socks at some point, I feel like it's a tradition or something :D

I wanted to make something in the same style as my previous deviation, and decided to develop the concept along the way, and I'm pretty diggly impressed with what I came up with!
Took me longer that planned, but from a finished product perspective, it took me less time to make it that I would have though. I hope you understand, I'm tired D:

I definitively love playing with warm colors, and clean colors like Derpy or Fluttershy are perfect for it!
And I took the occasion to change my signature. From now on, just crisp letters like that will be fine :3

Also, that beanie kinda breaks the law of physics. But it's Derpy's possession, so I'm not really surprised.
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2000x2500px 3.12 MB
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carnivalwoods3's avatar
awww she got a muffin from Doctor Hooves ^^