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Nicole Odinsdottir
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Deviation Spotlight

  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (14)
My Bio

I work at a stereoscopic imaging movie studio in LA. In my spare time I enjoy making costumes and going to comic book conventions, as well as playing table top and video games.

Wondercon 2012

0 min read
Got home last night from Wondercon 2012, which took place in Anaheim instead of the usual San Francisco, CA.I have to say, this wasn't my favorite convention. I enjoyed it, but it's not in my top 5.First off: the location change. It wasn't just the drive that turned me off to it. I honestly hate the Anaheim Convention Center. There seemed to be no main entrance, and the floor before the convention doors was super narrow. The layout just totally sucks. There's also barely any good photo areas.None of the booths put in any effort. If any did I missed them. Last year the throne from Game of Thrones was there. This year there was a TV screen w...
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SDCC 2011

0 min read
It's over =(I had a BLAST! I met more amazing people, who I sadly probably won't be able to see until next year.  Alas, that's what Facebook is for I suppose.I went as Ms Marvel, and I was extremely pleased with how she was received by everyone. I was called Black Cat once, and "a hot version of Robin", but for the most part I was recognized :3
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Comic-Con 2011

0 min read
Yes!!!  I'll be going this year.  Suuuuuuper excited.  Already have my hotel booked.Making a Phoenix cosplay.  Haven't done an X-men one yet, and I've been wanting to for years.
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Profile Comments 47

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I enjoyed your work very much. I would like to ask what is the desert/tropical looking rock and waterfall setting of some of your images. Is it a park? It does add a kind of "starbase" quality to the settings. I liked Starstruck best of all. Best of luck in your future endeavours.
Templerman aka William York
Are you happy that The Hobbit will now be divided into 3 movies instead of 2?
As a hardcore LOTR fan, yes. The movie little details they cram in the films, the better. Even if that means they have to split up the movies.
Ummm... I think I got a picture or 2 of you at Comic Con!!! Awesomeness!!!
Oh! And what are your thoughts on The Hobbit? I've been hearing mixed things from the con panels, especially from Cinemacon. There seemed to be quite a split amongst people there.
Haha! Difficult to imagine you running and jumping around when you look so composed in your poses. I can't wait to see what they do with Smaug!
I can't express my excitement for the film. When I saw the trailer, I ran around jumping up and down. When it finished, I stopped dead, looked at my bf, and wound up in a heap on the floor crying. With joy, of course.