Current Residence: Millis Mass. USA
Favorite genre of music: depends on mood
Favorite photographer: Ansel Adams
Favorite style of art: wildlife photography
Operating System: well trained experienced doctor, please
Shell of choice: empty lobster shell
Wallpaper of choice: none,painted them instead !
Skin of choice: crispy chicken skin
Favorite cartoon character: Wiely E coyote, he never quits trying...
Personal Quote: if it ain't broken, your not trying hard enough
Thank you all who Fave my work.. I do this to share natures beauty.
I may not answer each Fave, but rest assured they are all appreciated!
Happy Birthday!
Hi All.... Well today I turned 72 Years old. Don't feel like it.
Still around here, just not posting any new pics.
Hi George, how's the Jeep?
I managed to go fishing today, I caught two Rainbow Trout and a Brook Trout and also saw a Doe with her fawn.
Hi looks really cool with the custom items I had installed
I've been to busy to go fishing for the past few days, but I do hope to get out sometime this week
😁 Thank you so!