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March FEATURE Nr. 4

Here we are again, our 4. feature is here.Another theme based on The first spring feeling.The spring is here with early blooming flowers around deviantart.
This feature is of  Daisy (Bellis perennis), Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis), Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) Hepatica (Hepatica nobilis), Winter Hard Cyclamen (Cyclamen coum). A colorful mix!

Our feature is a around deviantart.We have cross-searched for photographs and drawings, hope you like it!
As always, we want not only professional photographs with a lot of views and favs, no, we want also images that are less famous to support this.
So here is our first early spring collection,enjoy it and supoort it.

happiness by augenweide 'Bellis perennis' by CID228

.:daisy and dew:. by efeline Daisy, Daisy by rsharts Daisy Field by PaulSwiatkowskiPhoto Daisy by AljoschaThielen Daisy by novelhill Daisy by ilanya

Eranthis hyemalis by albatros1 :bigthumb202255799:

:thumb74647312: Eranthis hyemalis by Aphantopus Talovin winter - Eranthis hyem by SvitakovaEva Golden Springtime by chaosia-photos early spring flower by Wilithin Darkness. by DiNoDrAwEr

Narcissus pseudonarcissus by kaep0ra--gaeb0ra Narcissus pseudonarcissus by xBajnox

Narcissus IV by Taseevo -Narcissus pseudonarcissus- 3 by Noeth Little Daffodills by Mogrianne NARCISSUS by THOM-B-FOTO The Poet's Narcissus by Earth-Hart End of the day with Narcissus by WindyLife

Hepatica nobilis III by Aphantopus Hepatica nobilis by efeline

Hepatica nobilis 2012 I by Aphantopus 1411 - Hepatica Nobilis by boxx2genetica Hepatica 1 by Jimpawa Hepatica nobilis by nordfold Hepatica Nobilis... by ClaudeG Hepatica by rosaarvensis Hepatica nobilis IV by Aphantopus Hepatica nobilis 2010 by mescamesh Hepatica nobilis by Aphantopus Hepatica nobilis 2013 by Aphantopus 1348 - Nobilis I by boxx2genetica Hepatica nobilis by Isletree Hepatica nobilis by Krasska Hepatica nobilis by pathar Blue by JoannaMoory Hepatica nobilis by Sparvoga A Piece of the Sky by SilivrenTinu hepatica nobilis 2011 by mescamesh

:bigthumb193833520: Purple cyclamen by Volya

:thumb438370248: Cyclamen graecum. by asaluiphotography Cyclamen by CASPER1830 cyclamen by danuta50 :thumb434741295: SIKLAMEN Cyclamen by salkutlu

Visit our January FEATURE, Winter FEATURE and  February FEATURE

And don't forget our new Pets folder > Pets in nature

Take a closer look at these wonderful images and  comments and faving these nice deviations!
It would be nice if you fave/comment on this feature so that more people will see it.
See you on the next feature :D and thank you very much.

Big thanks goes to my hard-working helper :heart: Love you sweeties.

P.S. I know it's always the end of the month but somehow it came into being so that we make our month-feature end of a month ^^;

~:heart: :iconladyxwinter:
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