2Bs Workout videoNatsuko-Hiragi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/natsuko-hiragi/art/2Bs-Workout-video-731587342Natsuko-Hiragi

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2Bs Workout video



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Here is our 2B video reward for this month!^-^ 

Damsel: 2B

The model is over 21. Dont post or upload our video some where else or we´ll go for legal consequences!

2B got bored from her last training sessions and missions. So she got a bit lazy the last time. That was when suddenly one of her superiors walked in and told her about a new top secret trainings session, he created for her! Will the training be a success or will it turne out to be a trap?

Video includes:  Tapegag, rope bondage, hands up bondage, on screen tieing, on screen gagging, moaning, struggling, over the shoulder carry, boots, workout

Video Length: 15:24 Minutes

Price: 10 Euros

The video is available until: 31.03.2018 after that you have to buy it in our Oronjo store.^^

Model: :iconkitty-0f-d00m:
Video/Redead: :iconjester-rogue:


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960x540px 19.6 MB
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kornyboi1994's avatar

This is very sexy