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Beached Kaiju



My concept idea was to show a Kaiju creature at the end of its life:

The creatures hunting ground is the same as fishing ships where it hunts whales and large quantities of fish. As time has gone by the creature has become entangled in the fishing ships lines and nets preventing it from submerging to the deeper waters where it lives. Finally, after much struggle, the creature has beached itself and died.

This was created for Helpful Bear Kaiju Contest
Image size
1200x661px 540.02 KB
© 2014 - 2024 NathanRosario
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This reminds me of the Leviathans from Dishonored. They superficially look like whales, but on close inspection, you can see they are not natural animals, with their very bones able to channel magical forces. The cuts and scars close to the eye and mouth are really clever pieces of environmental storytelling, too. Considering the large jutting horn-like structure, I think they came from this guy fighting for mating rights.

Very cool piece of art!