Digital Painting Brush Set 1Natashane on DeviantArt

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Natashane's avatar

Digital Painting Brush Set 1



I say brush set 1 as I have quite a few more I plan to make. These ones are mostly foliage type stuff, but I want to play more with clouds and rocks, then perhaps stuff for more mechanical objects.

I originally made these because my computer died and deleted most of the custom-made brushes I had been using all this time :( if this happens again at least I have it saved on DA :D

Hope you like them :) here's a really quick and rough example of how I use them:

Digital Painting Brush Set 1 Example by TetheredComic

Anyone can use these brushes for anything they want! All I would probably suggest is that if you upload something where you use these brushes, to just link to them so other people can download them if they wish :) thanks!

Brush Set 2
Digital Painting Brush Set 2 by TetheredComic

Created in Photoshop, for Photoshop!

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yappie13's avatar

thanks sm, will be using for our animation school project