Ace of Cups - Wyrmwood's Corrupted TarotNatasaIlincic on DeviantArt

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Ace of Cups - Wyrmwood's Corrupted Tarot



"For a brief second, you catch the eye of a denizen of the Unseelie court. Their lips are moist with blood, but do not worry – they are not interested in the warmth of your veins. They already have everything they need and desire - their diaphanous skin dotted with leech bites is proof of it.
The traditional Ace of Cups is usually depicted as an overflowing cup with five streams (the senses), and represents love, deep feelings, compassion, new connections, energies flowing outward.
The liquid contained in this Ace of Cups, conversely, is held greedily by the fae. A sense of entitlement, parsimony, and indulgence prevails. The blood is their own, symbolising complete self-sufficiency.
This card represents energies flowing inward, self-sustainment, isolation from the outside world, focus on feelings buried deep within."

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