The Big Colour Tutorialnataliebeth on DeviantArt

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nataliebeth's avatar

The Big Colour Tutorial



Okay, so this was another one of those small tutorials that became massive. :faint:

As a disclaimer, I've never had lessons on digital painting, or much in the way of colour, so if there are any inconsistencies with my spoken truths - then please forgive me! Also, I know there are spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, but I accidentally lost all my layers and so couldn't edit a number of the sections.

But now that's out of the way, thankyou for taking the time to read this, or view it! I hope that this helps in some small way or another, my last tutorial absolutely blew my mind with the response, so I thought I'd create another one and elaborate more on the art of painting. This tutorial was made and based with GIMP, so some things may be different for photoshop users, but the basics are all the same.
I will next be doing a tutorial on how I draw proportions, which has been asked of me on many occasions, Ill hope to have it out in the next month - thank you for all my faithful friends. :bow:

Feel free to leave feedback, and any questions and ill try my best to answer them. :)

- References:……
Deviations used or referred to in the tutorial.

Frozen Castle - Digital Painting by crystal-89  Complete 'Digital Painting' and 'GIMP' Tutorial by crystal-89 Eye Painting from Tutorial. by crystal-89
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© 2014 - 2025 nataliebeth
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Ghost-Freak's avatar
this will definetly help me ^^