Complete 'Digital Painting' and 'GIMP' Tutorialnataliebeth on DeviantArt

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November 30, 2012
Complete 'Digital Painting' and 'GIMP' Tutorial by *crystal-89 Is a very thorough and easy to understand tutorial on using The Gimp. Also suggested by *EternalRC and ~Art-Recale
Featured by Elandria
nataliebeth's avatar

Complete 'Digital Painting' and 'GIMP' Tutorial



Edit: May 2016 - I have recently been receiving a lot of attention on this piece and really appreciate the continuing support! I get quite a kick out of reading over this and seeing my 18 year-old sense of humour coming through! I hope to do a new updated tutorial as my style and understanding of painting has changed a bit since this time, but I am happy to answer any questions you guys might have after reading this. Thanks again!

For more art, tips and behind the scenes, you can see more on my pages.

Instagram: @artbynataliebeth


The Big Colour Tutorial by nataliebeth New Colour Tutorial!

Edit* A DD? OH my goodness. THANK-YOU so, so much to everyone! This is incredible and now it's all thanks to you beautiful people for inspiring me. Many thanks to *EternalRC, ~Art-Recale, *FlirtingWithInsanity and ^Elandria - this means more than words can say.

Download for full view! Refresh page if does not appear, it will take a while, its very big, im sorry.

Simplified Version: Digital Painting Tutorial - Facial Features by nataliebeth

In this tutorial:
:bulletblue: Overview of all icons and the basic functions in the GIMP menu.
:bulletblue: Brush and colour palette basics
:bulletblue: Backgrounds
:bulletblue: Skin tone painting and colours
:bulletblue: How to paint Eyes
:bulletblue: How to paint Noses
:bulletblue: How to paint Mouths
:bulletblue: How to paint Hair
:bulletblue: Layer modes and highlights.
:bulletblue: Contains bad humour.

Okay, as promised, I have brought you my MASSIVE digital painting and GIMP tutorial. I have spent the last week putting together this monster for you guys. :aww:
I'm sorry its so big, I just had so much I wanted to say. And at the end of the day, you can choose what you read. It is basically just a overview of everything so you can read as little or as much as you want.

I have used my latest digital painting Rapunzel to demonstrate painting the facial features and background.
Additionally I have added a realistic imaginative example of painting features.

Rapunzel Digital Painting + Steps by nataliebeth

If you have any questions, pleaaasse comment, some of my wording may be a little vague or chatty, so I'm happy to clarify, or try to answer other questions.

Thanks so much, hope it helps.

Crystal/ Natalie.
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© 2012 - 2025 nataliebeth
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sunday322's avatar

i dont understand how to blend colors,it just overlapping on each other