Things of significance...NastyaSkaya on DeviantArt

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NastyaSkaya's avatar

Things of significance...



watch art to music (The Unthanks - Magpie)

P.S. based on a poster from the TV series "Salem"

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3310x4562px 1.08 MB
© 2020 - 2025 NastyaSkaya
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ClaudiaEveLucy's avatar

Spoiler alert !!!

I really like this idea! The first time I thought each of these ladies had in their hands something closely related to their destiny, namely death or an attempted kill.

Yennefer of Vengerberg is holding the pitchfork with which Geralt was pierced and he almost dies from using too much magic power.

Triss Merigold is holding torch - burns from the Battle of Sodden and presumed death.

Keira Metz has a stake in her hand, because depending on your choice, she can die impaled.

Sabrina Glevissig is on fire - burned at the stake.

Tissaia de Vries seems to be holding the knife she used to cut her veins with.

Philippa Eilhart  holding the crown - she was to die on the orders of the king.

Sheala de Tancarville holding a stone that, depending on your choice, can kill her or not.

And many other sorceresses, in this ironically ordered chaos.

Amazing idea. I admire your art and creativity! Greetings from Poland! ^^