Juni Oil on canvasNaschi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/naschi/art/Juni-Oil-on-canvas-332857755Naschi

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Naschi's avatar

Juni Oil on canvas



Finally you can watch the finals of the "Projekt Mangaka competiton" from carlsen comics in munich.
At 30:46 you can also watch my little workshop. Sorry, but its only in german language. Have fun ♥


Oil painting on canvas -
120x80 cm (47.3x35.4 inch)

Well, a really big painting ^__^
You can see Juni, the maincharakter ofy my Story and the castle of Schwerin from my hometown.

I also have a new webpage. Yay ^_________^'
There you can see informations about my courses and a galleria with a lot of my oilpaintings.
There is also an option to get in touch for commissions or if you want to buy my originals. ;)

A big thanks to :iconfukosei: for taking a photo of this picture ^^

Me on facebook: [link]
There you can find many pictures, some works stages
or little tutorials.

Some of my other works:

Ahw from Oceans-art :heart:
Ich love this illustration. His colors are so lovely :love:
Image size
1308x900px 454.21 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Naschi
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HM1505's avatar

beautifully painted