Epic Owens River Sunsetnarmansk8 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/narmansk8/art/Epic-Owens-River-Sunset-188378219narmansk8

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narmansk8's avatar

Epic Owens River Sunset



Taken at one of my "go to" spots along the Owens River. I had all but given up as the entire sky had turned grey I began packing up my camera when all of a sudden, within the blink of an eye, the entire sky turned blood red all around the valley. I scrambled to get my camera and composition re-set. What amazed me most was the red light that I was bathed in. I keep looking down at my hands while taking photos and was just baffled at how strong the red tones on my skin were. Was trully a surreal experience in light.

Owens River, Eastern Sierra, Ca.

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All content & images are © Nolan Nitschke. You may not use any images in any way without written consent from artist. All Rights Reserved. www.nitschkephotography.com
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466x700px 288.67 KB
© 2010 - 2025 narmansk8
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Nenjia's avatar
I love this picture! I never fought Ca could be sooo beautyful!! Magic!