Dawn of War III - Eldar Howling Banshee cosplayNarga-Lifestream on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/narga-lifestream/art/Dawn-of-War-III-Eldar-Howling-Banshee-cosplay-631653483Narga-Lifestream

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Dawn of War III - Eldar Howling Banshee cosplay



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Eldar Howling Banshee from Warhammer 40k Dawn of War III.
Costume made and modeled by me.
Photo by magneficent kmitenkova

Mask of Banshee - Warhammer 40k Dawn of War III by Narga-Lifestream  Howling Banshee - To battle by Narga-Lifestream  Howling Banshee - Last stand by Narga-Lifestream  Howling Banshee - Dawn of War III by Narga-Lifestream  Howling Banshee - In darkness I shall be light by Narga-Lifestream  Howling Banshee - Last sight by Narga-Lifestream
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NO-SoupForYou's avatar

The level of craftsmanship put into that gear that gear is insane.  Especially admirable are the little organic-looking deviations within the armor surface, reminding us that wraithbone isn't a material like metal or polymers, but a sort of living thing that's coaxed into forms.

That suit must have taken a lot of time and effort to design and sculpt... and then required more to paint so the colors looked naturally present.