Flame Towers (Baku, Azerbaijan)naraphoto on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/naraphoto/art/Flame-Towers-Baku-Azerbaijan-979582231naraphoto

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Flame Towers (Baku, Azerbaijan)


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Here is photo I took during my last photosession on Upland Park in Baku city, Azerbaijan.

It was quite a cloudy day. Such kind of weather is one of my biggest passion and source of inspiration. Also cloudy weather is the best arena for street photographer who works in black and white style.

"Flame Towers" is one of the biggest and brightest sights of our city. And when I saw it under this unbelievable clouds I just turned off from the reality and worked with it.

Too many emotions and vert strong emotional background I live when I saw such kind of scapes. I can't explain it by words, but I can share it through my photos.

You know what's the best? Everybody see his own different vision in one photo. That's what I like in photography. Not only share, but also inspire for something new.

Hope you enjoy it!

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5000x3333px 3.83 MB
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