
Hello and welcome to my second tutorial. I made this one especially for Thomas today.
Here are some pictures on "How to use Worbla's"
But first: What is Worbla's?
Worbla's Finest Art is a thermoplastic that's ultra cosplayer-friendly. It cuts easily with a knife or a pair of scissors. Then simply heat it up with steam, hot water or hot air (90°C), and it'll become mouldable. Once it's cooled down it goes hard again.
Worbla's works with spray paints and acrylics very well. There is glue on the shiny side, so multiple layers can be added when it's hot. And because it's only about 1mm thick, it's very good for creating details.
Don't throw away any leftovers! They can be heated up and then rolled together, then you can use it like putty.
◊◊◊ copied by coscraft www.coscraft.co.uk/ ◊◊◊
you can buy it here:
coscraft www.coscraft.co.uk/
my costume www.mycostumes.de/
Here you can see how I made the medals for my Lady Loki cosplay step by step.
What do you need:
- pencil, scissors or a knife and maybe paper
- worbla's
- head dryer
- acrylic paint/ spray
- sandpaper and spackle
- basic model
How does it work, step by step:

Keep your materials and basic models ready. Here you can see the light brown Worbla's and the basic forms.

Draw a shape or the outline of your basic model.

you're done? then cut it out - wohooo. (You can cut it easily with a knife or a pair of scissors.)
just a hint: Collect all residues. You can use it later for another project!

Time for the magic weapon: the ultimate heat pistol!
Heat your Worbla's, it gets soft and pliable.
my second hint: it is TOO hot when your worbla's is brighter/white and rough.

Put your Worbla's on your basic model or bend it freehand.
Now you have to wait for it to get cold and solid again.

You should heat all your pieces and bend them into your desired form in one go. This is easier and saves you a lot of time.

You don't need to do this step, but you can use some spackle to make your worbla's smoother.
STEP 7 a

If you use spackle, you can grind it down to smoothness with sandpaper.
STEP 7 b

This picture doesn't show it that well, but you can make out what I mean.
Your goal: make it smooth smooth smooth, like a baby bottom. ^.~

Are you done with the previous step? Now you can use all acrylic paint and spray it as you need. Let them dry very well.
For special effects you can use a second paint to draw on it after the first dried through.

Wear it on a convention and be the proudest cosplay in this world ♡