Commission,All SAMPLE WORKS and PRICE. [Old]

13 min read

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nanshu29's avatar
:megaphone: This journal is a SAMPLE WORKS and PRICE. Which is applicable to the present time.


If you interested commission, You can contact me via DA note.

***Commission Info***

What that I'll draw?
� Original Characters.
� Fanart.
� Fantasy/Dark fantasy.
� Horror / Violence.
�Yaoi/Yuri (Softcore.)
� Sexy / Erotic/Nude style. (Softcore.)

What I don't draw?
-Hentai / Yaoi / Yuri (Violent)
-Background or Landscape only.
-NSFW (Violent)

Please take notice that I will draw any work in my own style. :)



.......::SAMPLE WORKS & PRICE::.......


:star::star:::: PayPal Commissions generally ::::star::star: 




*Drawn your character to my style.  [Personal commission or Fandom average.]

[I will draw it in my style but still based on the model, You must have your character reference.] *Personal commission or Fandom average. - Affordable.
  • You must have a reference image character and can tell me edit only 1-2 time. [In this case, except the illustrations may be able to fix more than one.] or [There may be some works that can fix 
    after coloring.]
  • You can get . JPG file only. [300 DPI]
  • When prices exceed $100 you'll get payment receipt after you have payment like this..>>…

Bullet; Black Illustrations *Scale Moe & Cute Style Bullet; Black
First char/ Next char.
Bust up *Price 25per character. / 20$ [.jpg file]
 Half body *Price 45$ per character./ 40$ [.jpg file
Full body
*Price 60$ per character./ 55$ [.jpg file

+10-45$ for Complex details. [*Depends on details or Complex details.]
+ 30-100$ for Character Sheet. *Depends on details. [.jpg /.psd file]
30-100$ for Simple Background or Background. [.jpg /.psd file]

::Fullbody Moe style::Character Commission set 7 by nanshu29 ::Commission::Smilesandmetaphors by nanshu29   ::Commission::Kit and Rolf by nanshu29 ::Commission - VDO step::Bunny Girls motorbike by nanshu29  ::Commission:: Some characters 2016 - Zoom in by nanshu29

::Commission::Menghuan and Paz by nanshu29  ::Commission::Kami-kali by nanshu29  Halloween 2015 by nanshu29   Happy Halloween 2017 by nanshu29 ::VDO step cg:: Halloween 2020 by nanshu29

Bullet; Black Illustrations *Semi-realistic style
Bullet; Black
First char/ Next char.
Head shot-Bust up *Price 30-40$ per character. / 25-35$  [.jpg file]
 Half body *Price 60-70$ per character. / 65$ [.jpg file
Full body
*Price 100$ per character. / 90$ [.jpg file
+10-60$ for Complex details. [*Depends on details or Complex details.]
+ 30-100$ for Character Sheet.*Depends on details. [.jpg /.psd file]
+$30-100 USD for Simple or Normal Background. [.jpg /.psd file]

  ::Commission::Trin Trinachi by nanshu29    ::Commission::Sakanninarukai by nanshu29 ::Commission::kanthon.rakkhum by nanshu29 ::Commission:: Surakit Deecharoen char.01 by nanshu29  ::Commission:: Colours-melting by nanshu29

::Commission::Jule himmelreich by nanshu29 Miririn Loppers by nanshu29  ::Commission:: Evariste and Lazare by nanshu29  ::Commission:: Daenerys Targaryen by nanshu29::Commission:: c1games by nanshu29  

::Inuyasha:: by nanshu29 Let me go by nanshu29  Sesshomaru -Blue light- by nanshu29 

All work size not exceeding 25-30 CM. / . jpg file (300 dpi) You'll get picture via your note on DA.
*(Other than this depending on details.)
Bullet; White Add+80-100% of the price, If you want to more than 30 CM. / .psd files.  [Separate layers and editable.] / You can use for commercial commission.
[You can tell me to edit more than 1 times. [max 5-7 edit] and i can edit it after the color, But fixing after coloring you  can request fix that is not too complicated.]
*If the details of your character or works is not too much,Price can be lenient or as appropriate. :)

::type of PSD file:: Anubis card ga by nanshu29  << Sample of PDS file.


*Create your character on my style. [ Commercial commission or  Industry Standard.]

[Design and Create for you.] * Commercial commission or  Industry Standard.
  • You just have reference picture or describe the character and the other to me.
  • You can tell me to edit more than 1 times. [max 5-7 edit] and i can edit it after the color.
  • You can get . PSD file by character will be divided BG. [300 DPI]
  • Ownership rights is you, Everything you can apply to sell art prints and more.
  • You'll get payment receipt after you have payment like this...>>…

Or in other formats , please contact or DA note. - [What I want is a reference image for talking about price, if you want to know.]

**All prices can talk to each other.***
All work size not exceeding A4 / (300 dpi) You'll get PSD file via your e-mail or note on DA.
[.PSD file can Separate layers and editable and You can use commercial commission.]

*(Other than this depending on details.)
Bullet; White Artcolor Larger than A4 300 dpi. / .psd file / Start at 300 USD +
Depend on details or more character, more complex background, more expensive price.

*If the details of your character or works is not too much,Price can be lenient or as appropriate. :)


:star: Work Process.

Rough Sketch >> Approval >> Receiving Payment >> Continue working >> Send the finishing work.
*[In some cases, will pay some before rough sketch.]
**Note : If prices exceed $ 200, You can pay a deposit of just the half price When the job is finished, you pay the rest. :)
*Sorry for the inconvenience.

:star: How to Order.

� Please contact me via DA notes or E-mail only.
� Please Fill up order form below and send to me with identified on Subject "Commission"on your notes.

*send me a note with title Subject : "Commission"
-Your character description, detail and reference Background, ETC...( please write it easy to understand )
-quality that you want.

Paypal Stamp by artist4com

:star: Payment.

� Paypal Only.
� Paypal Account : nanshu29[At] :emailsend:

If you would like to talk more about commission or have any further questions, feel free to ask via DA note.

## Note again. ##

:bulletwhite: Artcolor Larger than A4 300 dpi. /.psd file, Start at 200 USD 
Depend on details or more character, more complex background, more expensive price.

••Personal commission.
*This's Pricelist - Fandom average, This rate use for individual or non-commercial usage only.(Can discuss terms and be lenient.)
•• Commercial commission.
*For Pricelist - Industry Standard., Please contact my email nanshu29[At]
[*Artcolor Pricelist is Industry Standard or you want .psd file[Separate layers and editable.]. /  Artcolor Larger than A4 300 dpi. Add+80-100% of price / Depend on details or more character, more complex background.]

***Note :You'll receive replies from my notes to show confirmation that I start your artworks.
(If you not have notes from me, please waits reply from me.)

Thank you.

© 2007 - 2025 nanshu29
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pamellka's avatar
Your style is so beautiful and detailed, I think you're underselling yourself! Seriously wowed by your gorgeous gallery!