::NFT::Her beautynanshu29 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/nanshu29/art/NFT-Her-beauty-399128672nanshu29

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

October 2, 2013
Words from the suggester: "::C::Her beauty by *nanshu is absolutely captivating and the art style fascinates me! The piece may show 'love is blind', for the man chooses to see only what he wishes to see, as he puts mask on the other's face. In reality, we're the ones blind & ignorant to the things we need to learn to let go of negative emotions."
Featured by rydi1689
Suggested by Ginryuzaki
nanshu29's avatar

::NFT::Her beauty



*Fantasy mode.

Title: Her beauty , I'm so in love with her. 

Technical : CG +Texture. 

NFT ART >>   foundation.app/@Nansshu29/nans…

Letcomic (publish in Thailand)>>
Book >>

Illustration for The book magazine, The copyright  by mine. :)


@ Buy by SAIJYO Technical Toys (Contract for 3 years) 15/12/13 - 15/12/16 
Copyright: SAIJYO Technical Toys co.,ltd. ((publish in Thailand))

**Color and image, I hope you will like it.
Thanks for your visits.


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Image size
3540x2404px 10.08 MB
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YFMFan12's avatar

Time to screenshot this NFT