Tainted Red 2nanami-yuki on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nanami-yuki/art/Tainted-Red-2-67420795nanami-yuki

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September 17, 2008
Tainted Red 2 by ~nanami-yuki

The suggester wrote: "The first thing that hits me are the colours. So many of them all over this piece of work! Your gaze travels from the calm, night sky, to the shiny surrounding buildings looming over the two characters. And then, you catch sight of what the guy on the right is looking at, the little pink flower in the foreground.

It's all utterly perfect. I love the angle that we see the scene from, it seems the whole world is curved over that gorgeous glowing sword, and the delicate little flower. It's an absolutely stunning piece, from the background, to the characters, and you can really see the time and effort put into it."
Featured by Damaged927
Suggested by synconi
nanami-yuki's avatar

Tainted Red 2



Original Characters... Cyan and Skye. It's been a very long time since I outlined anything in ink, so it took longer than I planned to finish. Tho I ended up covering most of the outlines anyway when I colored it.
Mostly Photoshoped, which is rare cuz I am an Open Canvas junkie.:heart: ^_^
Image size
596x810px 554.58 KB
© 2007 - 2025 nanami-yuki
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kiddycats's avatar
i like it very much