Free Spirit-concept artnanami-yuki on DeviantArt

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nanami-yuki's avatar

Free Spirit-concept art



This is the concept art for my 3D animation film, Free Spirit. If you want to see the finished animation, it's finally up: [link] (If you have time, please give me a rating~ :heart::heart::heart: I'll be eternally grateful)

The animation is about a girl and her canvas pet. The whole project took more than 7 months to complete cuz it's basically me toying around with 3D max and trying not to throw things at ppl.

Music credits in the film belongs to the talented Calvin Lee whom I have harassed endlessly to compose the it 4 me~~~^_^
Image size
777x676px 542.69 KB
© 2007 - 2025 nanami-yuki
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quaynsfaves's avatar
hi! i really love the art here and your short animation film. I'm planning to create a personal blog and currently looking for an image header. Is it ok if i'll use this one? Sad Bulbasaur  please Bulbasaur Hmm ..TIA!!!!Pixel Rose