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NanaBuluku's avatar




Being depreciated see Redux. It is the playgraound for the next radiamentary.

Unity/Gtk3.0/Gtk2.0 Theme for Oneiric based on Radiance and Elementary.

0.66 update

-more usable scrollbars in Gtk2.0 apps
-Gtk2.0 more closely resembles Gtk3.0

0.65 update

-Fixed Chrome(ium) gradient.

Known Gtk2.0 issues:

-overlay scrollbar indicator grey

0.6 update

Some gtk2.0 apps (banshee, transmission) no longer have annoying line under the title bar and gtk2.0 toolbars now have consistent gradient.

0.5 update

-Chromium improved.
-Slightly darker shade (easier on the eyes).
-Panel now follows maximized window gradient instead of reversing it.

0.3 update

Fixed gradients
Polish to:
edges, buttons, toolbars and nautilus sidepane


-Panel better integrated into maximized windows.

Panel and panel buttons properly themed.

Extract .zip then extract .tar.gz and place the folder Radianceblue in your .themes folder.

Install gnome-tweak-tool using ubuntu software center to change themes.

gnome-tweak-tool does not always appear in dash so Alt+F2 and type gnome-tweak-tool to start it.
© 2011 - 2024 NanaBuluku
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claudette86's avatar
I'm sorry man, now I have installed Radiamentary-late-night and it works perfectly

My new favourite theme :) <3