to the stars... DameReynami64 on DeviantArt

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nami64's avatar

to the stars... DameRey



-where to, Miss?
-to the stars...

a request by an anonynous on tumblr : a POE / REY fanart   

sohere a little doodle :) let's imagine it's Poe showing Rey his x-wing, maybe in the middle of the night, when the hangar is empty and that the rebel base is sleeping and the stars are shining ; and maybe they are both a little bit tipsy and can’t stop laughing and teasing each other… feel free to imagine if it ends -or not- the same way the Titanic’s scene i used as reference ends hehehe


lineart: DameRey - lineart
Image size
1816x1413px 4.12 MB
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Glarbin's avatar

Careful not to grab the ejection handle.