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How to get more from your commenters!If like me you crave critique and feedback, but only ever get "nice work" comments, here are some tips to get what you want!
First of all, allow me to briefly elaborate on what I mean by critique and feedback.
Critique - Noun, A detailed analysis and assessment of something.
Someone who offers you a critique gifts you with a full evaluation of the good and bad parts of your piece, as well as offering ideas for its improvement.
Feedback - Noun, Information about reactions to a product.
They let you know which parts they like / don't like, and possibly how the piece made them feel.
Comments such as "Great work!" "Awesome" don't fall into either of these categories.
Reply to them with a question.
Asking a question prompts a response. Not only that, but it forces them to take a look at your work again! Below are two screenshots where I have used this technique.
Common questions you could ask in
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Suggestion: Groups and NewsSince groups was released, the way that deviants interact with each other has changed a lot, and mostly for the better. We can efficiently communicate through blogs, and everything is much better organized.
However, there is one thing that I have noticed. Since I am a deviant that runs news article features through groups, there are only a couple of ways to let the deviants know about the feature. One option is to write a blog informing them of the news article that was posted, and hope that the deviants open the blog and then click on the link. If you are informing the deviant that they have been featured in an article, then you can send them a comment or reply. I have noticed that since groups have launched, that there is not a way to send news articles through the groups.
My suggestion, would be to edit the news submission page, have it be more customized to each deviant. If a deviant is submitting a news article that focuses one group's news, then there should be an option to submi
Paid Name ChangesDear deviantArt Staff,
I've been virgino0owhore for nine years. While I understand I can just create a new account if I want a new name, I feel that this is a waste. I would have to move every piece of work over to this new account, re-favorite over 3,000 favorites and rewatch my current watch list. It's simply not worth it all because of 14 letters.
Not to mention, I lead a club against name wasting, making getting a new account hypocritical. It seems more practical to allow members to pay to change their name. This prevents the wasting of names that can't be removed because they have history on them. It also gives deviantArt a new revenue source.
Naturally you couldn't choose a taken name but, the act of paying for a name change is common in internet society and amongst gaming communities as well. The price varies but is usually around 15 U.S. dollars, and whatever that may translate into.
How would a user change his/her name?
They could access
note centerI get a lot of notes every day, as I'm sure a fair number of deviants do. I try to sort them, keep track of which ones I've read and which ones I haven't, but it's not always possible. Sometimes I manage to delete something I didn't mean to or open something that I didn't mean to.
Mark as unread
In hotmail (I've never used any other e-mail system) there is a button you can click to mark something as unread, just in case you accidentally opened something you didn't mean to, or you want to remind yourself it's something you need to get back to. I think a button like this would be incredibly effective for the note center.
Edit folders
I have sometimes made a folder and placed it under the wrong section, or named it something I didn't quite like and didn't realize until after there were notes in it. If there were an "edit folder" button in the "manage folders" section then it would be highly effective in eliminating this issue. The "edit folders" button would have to allow fo
The "Getting the most out of dA" PE Team;