ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Hello World...v2.0
News: Hi there peeps, first and foremost i have to apologise for my extremely long abscence from dA wich i havent had time to properly visit in more than im comfortable with, and now over 2169 new deviations and 2900 messages await my inspection > Features: :iconPr3t3nd3r:Great Spacescenes, Great Photos, check him out! Inspirations: :iconsphereuk: :iconabsolutehalo: :iconadonihs: :iconAP123: :icontigaer: :iconj4m3sb0nd: :iconSamODJ: :iconwertonen: :iconplasmax7: :iconbpauba: :icondkf: :iconburning-liquid: :iconairage: :iconwolfprincess33: :iconbaro: :iconhameed::iconsirgerg: :iconrahll: :iconsuirebit: :iconsumopiggy: :iconlady...
Punch a Robot in the face
News: Been rofling to this vid the past day or so, thought id share it with yyou guys n gals.
Please dont start political debates and arguments over this though, view this solely for entertainment pourposes as its is just freaking hillarious xDMy personal faveorite part is the dance he does starting from 1:05 :) Features: :iconPr3t3nd3r:Great Spacescenes, Great Photos, check him out! Inspirations: :iconsphereuk: :iconabsolutehalo: :iconadonihs: :iconAP123: :icontigaer: :iconj4m3sb0nd: :iconSamODJ: :iconwertonen: :iconplasmax7: :iconbpauba: :icondkf: :iconburning-liquid: :iconairage: :iconwol...
Status Update 2
News: Hey folks, im still alive in case anyone still remembers me, last few months have been busybusybusy, and spening the last week in bed with a triplecombo of birdflu swineflu and sars havent been all too amusing either.Some news: There are 3 new major spacepics in production, one will be the first of a little series starting with a spacescene, moving onto matte, and ending with a complete digital painting.Ive also been working on a little animation video for practice
the wip can be found at: Also i have a new lens for wildlife/animal shots, found a great deal on a new EF 400mm f/5.6 L USM and...
Status Update
News: Well firstly i want to wish everyone a slightly belated happy new year
hope you had a good one and didnt do anything i wouldnt ;DSecondly, well ive been back a few days now but as luck would have it and fate appreciates a good laugh ive been in bed with the flu
so i havent been making much art but that shall soon be remedied
i hope you understand and id rather make art in a condition i can tell a sphere from a square or else youll get more mindkilling spaceart ludicrous enough to put you into a big bright room full of soft rubber walls.Now im starting to feel better and will begin sorting the shitload of fotos from my ski trip and co...
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happy bday. cool contest, hopefully i'll have time to make something for it